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Life Cycle Events

Baby Naming

Babies are named and blessed from the Bimah during Shabbat services or prior to services in the clergy study. To arrange for a baby naming, please contact Randi Herman at 624-4633 or


New Baby Dinners

Our Caring Community has dinners delivered to members during the miraculous time when a new baby comes into the home. 


Brit Milah

The temple is happy to participate in your son’s Brit Milah. To schedule please call the office. 


Birkat Yeladim/Blessing of the Children (Consecration)

Celebrate Simchat Torah and the beginning of our children’s Jewish education during our Simchat Torah service.  All new students (regardless of age) are blessed by the clergy at this important life cycle event.


Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Temple Judea’s Bar/ Bat Mitzvah program is designed to provide each child with the opportunity to

discover his/her own engagement with Torah, tradition, and the privilege for the student to teach the

congregation what s/he has learned.  


Service options for Bar/Bat Mitzvah:


Saturday morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah at 10:00 a.m.


Havdalah Bar/Bat Mitzvah: We offer Havdalah Bar/Bat Mitzvah services at 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Havdalah is a beautiful ritual marking the conclusion of Shabbat which includes wine, spices, and a braided candle. It is a beautiful transition from Shabbat to the rest of the week.


Thursday morning Minyan at 9:30 a.m.: Some students/families prefer a smaller, simpler, and shorter Bar/Bat Mitzvah.  In these cases, the student is invited to read Torah during Minyan as part of the on-going temple service.


Adult B’Nei Mitzvah:  Temple Judea offers classes specifically geared to adults who did not become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at 13. The class celebrates as a group after 2 years of study.



Confirmation is a year-long course of study for 9th & 10th grade students culminating in a beautiful ceremony for boys and girls that is tied to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.  It constitutes an individual and group affirmation of commitment to the Jewish people. 



Temple Judea and the Reform Movement welcome and support those who choose to explore Judaism. Jews by Choice are a gift to our people and to our communities.  While each person’s path into Jewish life is unique, there are shared questions and experiences that are common to many.  We welcome an opportunity to introduce Judaism and an opportunity to guide those on a spiritual journey.  Contact Randi Herman at to make an appointment to discuss conversion with the rabbi.


Funeral Service / Memorial Service

Jewish tradition teaches that human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26).  This is the underpinning of all of the rituals and customs that make up a Jewish funeral.  This concept extends to both the deceased and the mourners.  It is our hope to love and support our members during what can be the most difficult of times.  Our clergy will coordinate all aspects of a memorial service or funeral including the details of the service, meeting with the family, leading the funeral prayers and delivery of a eulogy.  They will also help coordinate and guide you through the observance of shivah and sloshim and are available for families in mourning throughout their process. 


As part of the benefits of membership, members of Temple Judea are welcome to hold the funeral or memorial at Temple Judea in the sanctuary.  Contact the office for details.



It is important to contact Temple Judea when a loved one is ill.  Every Friday evening, our clergy offer a prayer for those who are ill called a Mi Shebeirach.  Additionally, Temple Judea has a Caring Community that makes calls, writes notes, visits, and delivers food to those who are ill or recovering from surgery.



Though Reform Jewish weddings draw much inspiration from history and tradition of Jewish wedding customs, they also tend to reflect a more modern, egalitarian, and flexible sensibility.  Thus, one of the great pleasures in planning a Reform Jewish wedding is the individual stamp you and your fiance will be able to put on it. You find it helpful before beginning to plan your Reform Jewish wedding to familiarize yourself with some traditional wedding practices.  Reform Jewish weddings typically include a chuppah, a ketubah, a ring ceremony, and the breaking of the glass.  One major difference between Reform and traditional Jewish weddings has to do with the role of women. Typically, in Reform Judaism, and thus in Reform Jewish weddings, the principle of egalitarianism prevails: women and men share in all the roles, responsibilities and privileges of the wedding ceremony equally.

In keeping with the general spirit of flexibility and modernization which characterizes Reform Judaism, your wedding is planned in partnership and consultation with our clergy so the ceremony reflects not only our Jewish traditions, but the couple’s personality.


State of Florida Requirements:

A marriage license is required. Get information regarding requirements: Florida Marriage Guide​



Kaddish can be said on the Yahrzeit of your loved one either during a morning Minyan or Shabbat service. Yahrzeit reminders will be sent to temple members in advance of the specific Shabbat. Permanent memorial plaques can be dedicated and placed on the Yahrzeit Board in our sanctuary. For more information on permanent plaques, please contact the office.



Yizkor is a synagogue memorial service that is held four times a year – Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret (after Sukkot), Passover, and Shavuot – in which we remember our loved ones, no matter how long ago the person passed.  This affords us an opportunity to sustain the bond we shared with the loved ones whom we have lost.  You may choose to light a memorial candle in your home.


Dedicated to the perpetuation of the beliefs, principles and tenets of Reform Judaism. 


4311 Hood Road

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410


(561) 624-4633


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